Living Oak Counseling

Rooted — Whole — Growing


Individual mental health counseling in Oakland and via telehealth throughout California

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Feeling torn between different beliefs, identities, or cultures?

Discover how to live as your authentic self


Overwhelmed by rigid expectations and weary of continually striving to meet them?

Reexamine and rebuild a purposeful life


Consistently caught in past experiences or fears about the future?

Find relief and move forward with confidence


Hi, I’m Erin Carnahan,

Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor

I help multicultural individuals break free from the ways they’ve been confined and hurt by un-affirming relationships, oppressive systems, and rigid binaries to:

  • Embrace their intersectional identities

  • Reclaim a healthier spirituality

  • Heal from unresolved losses, traumas, and wounds


Instead of minimizing people’s emotions, questioning their beliefs, or judging their actions, I validate their unique experiences and celebrate their intersectional identities, empowering them to pursue authentic, meaningful, and connected lives.

I welcome people of all ethnic and racial backgrounds, abilities, genders, sexualities, and religions by actively and consistently acknowledging the destructive impacts of historical injustices and ongoing inequities, and by using each individual client’s beliefs, needs, and desires to guide our collaborative work.

Learn more about me


*Please note — in-person sessions are not available due to the ongoing COVID-19 public health crisis; all services are currently offered virtually, via HIPAA-compliant telehealth platforms*